The use of an extract, illustration and/or book cover within your publication (e.g. your novel, textbook, anthology, academic journal).
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If you would like permission to use an extract, illustration or cover from our books, you're in the right place

The Permissions & Content Licensing team is responsible for licensing material from books published by Penguin Random House UK and unpublished materials found in the Penguin Random House UK Archive and Library.
We receive a huge variety of permission requests from authors, publishers, exam boards, charities and TV, film and radio producers. We are always happy to hear from requestors who want to use material from our books in their projects.
Make a request
Please use our online form to request permission.
What types of requests can I make?
You can use our permission request form for the following projects:
Print, eBook and/or audiobooks
Props for TV, film and/or social media
Displaying the cover and/or interior of a book on screen.
Reading extracts aloud or broadcasting portions of our audio books on television, radio and elsewhere.
Use of an extract, illustration and/or book cover in your gallery, exhibition, or other public space.
Photocopying a portion of a book.
If you are contacting us from a school, university or business in the UK, you may be able to copy portions of a work under your organisation's CLA Copyright Licence. Click here to go to the CLA's website.
Setting to music
Setting an extract or poem to music (which may also include publishing the music and/or performance rights).
Archive materials
Use of correspondence or other materials housed in the Penguin Random House Library and Archive.
For anything not covered above, use the ‘Other’ option in our form and we’ll get you to the right place.

Use of some Penguin Random House UK books in Netflix series Heartstopper licensed by our Permissions team in 2022. Image Courtesy of See-Saw Films and Netflix, Inc.
We know requesting permission can be a bit confusing, so our Permissions & Content Licensing team have put together a list of FAQs to help you through the process.
What information will I need to provide when I request permission?
For permission to use an extract, illustration or book cover:
- The ISBN of the Penguin Random House book for which you are seeking permission to use
- Total number of words (prose), total number of lines (poetry), size of illustration/cover in your publication (1/4 page, 1/2 page, 1 page, etc.)
- Print run of your publication (please provide separate numbers for hardback, paperback & trade paperback, if applicable)
- eBook circulation (how many people you expect to view or download your digital version)
- Retail price (please list RP for all formats, if it differs)
- Number of pages in your publication
- Territories in which you will distribute your publication (please note, if you write “World”, we cannot guarantee we hold World rights, so may need to redirect you for some territories)
- Language (please note, if you state “All Languages”, we may not be able to handle this on one licence and you may need to pay for each usage separately)
- Title of your publication
- Your publication date
For permission to use a book as a prop or for set dressing:
- Title of your production (working titles are fine)
- Date of proposed broadcast
- ISBN of edition you’ll feature in your production
- Context of the usage (detail here is useful – scene descriptions, if the book will be held, etc.)
- Your licensee name and address
Request form FAQs
What can I request permission for by using this online request form?
- Print, eBook and/or audiobooks
- Props for TV, film and/or social media
- Broadcast
- Exhibition
- Photocopying*
- Setting to music
- Archival materials
- Other (for anything not covered above, use the ‘Other’ option in our form and we’ll get you to the right place)
*For requests for photocopying, if you’re based in the UK, we recommend you contact the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) in the first instance and if you’re based in the USA, the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC)
If you are applying for a renewal of an existing permission licence, please make this clear in your request and include the licence number in the Notes section, if possible.
If the material you want to use is published by our sister company in the USA, Penguin Random House LLC, or in Canada by Penguin Random House Canada, you will need to apply for permission here:
If you have a more general enquiry about our books, please email us at:
How long will it take to receive a response to my request and can it be prioritised?
We endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible, though it may take us longer to respond during busy periods.
Unfortunately, due to the high volume of requests we receive on a daily basis, requests generally cannot be prioritised.
The book I want to reuse content from does not appear in the search function – how should I proceed?
In the first instance, please check the copyright page to ensure that it is material published by Penguin Random House UK.
If yes, and your request to use material falls into one of the usage options on the online permission request form please email us:
There are several editions of the same book that contain the material I wish to use, but I am unable to choose a particular edition through the search function – how should I proceed?
Please include the ISBN for the specific edition you wish to reuse from. If the edition was released without an ISBN, please provide the year in which the particular edition was released, and an edition number if available.
I want to reproduce material from more than one book – how should I proceed?
If you require material from a selection of books, please submit one online permission request form for each book.
The submit button is not working - what should I do?
Please scroll back up the form and double-check that all mandatory fields (those marked with an asterisk) have been completed before pressing submit.
If you :
General FAQs
When can I use material that is in copyright without permission?
There are certain, very specific situations where you may be permitted to reproduce extracts of books without seeking permission from the copyright owner, including for research and private study and for criticism and review.
More information can be found at:
I want to request permission for an image/photo. How can I check that Penguin Random House UK owns the rights?
Images are often used in our books with permission from other sources. Please check the copyright page and any credits in the book to see if the material in question is credited to another source; if it is, contact that party directly. If the image is not credited anywhere in the book, please submit a request using the online permission request form.
When does copyright expire in the UK?
Copyright generally expires 70 years after the end of the calendar year in which the author dies.
Unfortunately, we cannot advise on legal matters relating to copyright. For these queries, you should visit
Do we consider any Extract uses as Fair Dealing?
The Fair Dealing exception allows a party to use a work without the copyright owner’s permission and without compensating the copyright owner for such use in certain circumstances. Copyright law identifies certain types of uses, including quotation, criticism and review, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research as examples of activities that may qualify as a Fair Dealing.
We generally don’t determine if something is 'Fair Dealing', but may issue a Gratis licence if the usage warrants it. We advise that it's always best to request, just in case.
I am doing research for a Dissertation or Masters/PhD thesis and I want to use some material. Do I need permission?
Unless your project is going to be published or released commercially, we wouldn’t expect to need to grant permission. If your written work is going to be accessible to a large number of people outside the remit of your course, we would advise getting in touch.
I'm looking to request something that hasn't been covered in the above questions. Where do I go?
Penguin Random House UK Rights Department license US rights, translations, film, serial, audio rights of complete books and merchandising. Please direct your request to the appropriate Rights Department:
Penguin Ventures is the licensing and consumer products division of Penguin Random House UK. They manage our portfolio of iconic literary brands and characters: Peter Rabbit, The Snowman, Spot, Flower Fairies and more, across product, experience and digital. For this, please email:
Not what you're looking for?
All rights licensing departments are in contact with each other, so please don’t worry if you think you may have sent your initial request to the wrong place – we work together behind the scenes to get requests to the right team!