Our Father

Reflections on the Lord's Prayer

Discover what The Lord's Prayer really means, reinterpreted for a modern audience

In this new work by the much loved Pope Francis, he offers remarkable insights into what the most popular prayer in Christianity can tell us about living a life of meaning, purpose and strength.

Going through the prayer verse by verse he reminds us of its timeless words, and addresses the concerns of us all, whether Christian or not, seeking to guide us while exploring the importance of social justice, helping others and forgiveness - all key elements of Pope Francis' papacy.

Through his eyes, we realise the sentiments in Our Father are very much of today's world, challenging our doubts and bringing us courage.

About Pope Francis

Pope Francis was born in Buenos Aires on December 17, 1936, the son of Italian migrants, the first of five children born in the working-class barrio of Flores, Jorge Mario Bergoglio qualified as a chemical technician, graduated in philosophy in 1963, and became a priest in 1969. He was appointed provincial of the Jesuits of Argentina in 1973, and was named auxiliary bishop in 1992, archbishop of Buenos Aires in 1998, and created cardinal in 2001. In 2013, he became the Bishop of Rome and the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church.

HOPE was written in collaboration with Carlo Musso and is being published simultaneously in major languages in over eighty countries.
  • Imprint: Ebury Digital
  • ISBN: 9781473559929
  • Length: 144 pages
  • Price: £6.99
All editions